Managers are leading the way to tomorrow’s future
We understand that the global pandemic has created challenges for many managers as they navigate how to engage with their teams and continue succeeding in new and innovative ways. UTHealth Houston remains committed to helping manager provide leadership and successful outcomes for their teams, while they may or may not be separated due to social distancing requirements. Use this toolkit as a resource for how to lead productively during these challenging times while empowering your team to work differently.
On-Site? Remote? Hybrid?
Use this tool to help determine which form of work will be most suitable for your team.
Once a determination is made for the jobs in your area, communicate both individually and to your whole team what the plan is moving forward and why.
Non-Exempt Employees
Non-exempt employees are owed overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a week. For nonexempt employees who are working remotely it is important to ensure you have the ability to track when the employee is working and that time worked is accurately captured. For reference, please refer to HOOP 228 Remote Work.
Tracking Work Time:
- Set clear expectations for when the employee’s work day will begin and end and when the employee will take breaks. How will you measure or record this? Will the employee send you emails when beginning and ending work, call you, IM you?
- Ensure specific assignments are given each day and completion is tracked.
Remind the employee that per university policy, they must ask and gain permission before working any overtime. Employees will be paid for any time worked, regardless of whether permission is granted or not. However, employees can be disciplined for failure to follow university policy.
Remind the employee to accurately report their time in their timesheet as this is the official record of time worked.