When an eligible employee requests leave for an FML-qualifying reason or when the supervisor or FML Coordinator becomes aware that an eligible employee is taking leave for an FML-qualifying reason.
When an eligible employee requests leave for an FML-qualifying reason with an advance notice, the employee must provide at least 30 days notice. If the employee learns of the need for the leave with less than 30 days notice or a situation arises that is unexpected, the notice must be provided as soon as possible.
When a supervisor or FML Coordinator notices an employee has repeated absences for the same condition or when an employee brings to the supervisor or FML Coordinator's attention the need for extended leave, the FML Coordinator should discuss FML with the employee, explaining what it covers, placing the employee on FML pending certification if the leave appears to meet the criteria, and asking the employee to obtain a certification from the appropriate party to determine if the employee qualifies for FML. The certification must include specific information and is due within 15 calendar days from the date the employee is placed on FML.
If the certification of health care provider meets the definition of a serious health condition or there is a qualifying exigency arising out of the active military duty or call to active military duty of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent, the FML status will stand. Any medical documentation or certification which the FML Coordinator receives is confidential and must be maintained in an employee medical file separate from the employee's departmental personnel file.