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Next AURA Meeting will be held on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. via Microsoft Teams Meeting

To be added to the AURA email list, please subscribe to our AURA Listserv above.


Note : Access to recordings of previous meetings requires a UTHealth login ( your standard UT credentials).

  • Click https://uthvideo.uth.tmc.edu .
  • Change the " Sign in Using" box from "Panopto " to "UTHealth Login".
  •  Enter your UTHealth Username and Password then click on "Sign in".
  •  Choose "Medical School" from the left drop down list.
  •  Then, choose "AURA Meeting" from the top list.


AURA 05/29/2024 - Research Administration Internship, FDP updates and UG changes, Grant Process updates, NIH Progress Report Reminders, Agreement Matrix, AURA Teams Channel.

AURA 11/15/2023 - SPA Restructure & Award Processing Update, NIH Foreign Subaward Requirements, SRA Level Up Training - UTHealth Deep Dives, Extramural Grant & Supplement Opportunities, START Changes and Updates, Q&A

Recorded Meeting - https://uthtmc-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/tiffany_sagers_uth_tmc_edu/EeBQa0tr-utHuQzJe2Dv6KEBwopxjqXdQvrgKrNpm6L0Tg?e=i0wMaA

AURA 06/27/2023 - PAF & Systems Director Updates, PO's for Outgoing Subawards, START: TBD Profile vs. Temp Profile, Effort Reports: Non-Compliant Escalation Process and no Transfers to/from state funds, Award processing team updates, SPA Financial Improvement Projects

AURA 02/21/2023 - Submitting RCOI Forms in START, SPA Award Processing Team – A Trial, Subin Proposal Status Inquiries, SRA Level Up Training (1 year review), Effort Reporting Updates

Recorded Meeting - https://uthtmc-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/tiffany_sagers_uth_tmc_edu/EYhxILdeoIpBuJK2fogptXQBwbYCbAnzhmCnfD4Nw5a4Jg

AURA 11/15/2022 - Conflict of Interest Module in START, Budgeting Clinical Trial Revenue in FMS - Budget Pools, Max/Min Effort Waiver Form Committed Effort Reminders, CPRIT Updates - NCEs, Tuition, Travel, Budgeting, and START – Elimination of Child Submissions

Recorded Meeting - 

AURA 09/13/2022 - NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, Child Care Costs on Training Grants, Expense Transfers and Deficit Clearing and Effort Reporting 03/01/2022-08/31/2022 Tips and Reminders.

Recorded Meeting - AURA meeting - Assembly of University Research Administrators-20220913_100212-Meeting Recording 1.mp4

AURA 02/22/2022- Effort Reporting Program Changes, SRAi-LevelUp Training, and Login.gov and other sponsor updates.

Recorded Meeting

AURA 11/09/2021- Cost Transfers, ECRT update, START training sessions, and NIH application updates and form changes.

AURA 02/10/21- START – Proposal Routing Changes and PI Approval/ Certification, Assignment to Dept/ PI to Update Submission Status, Scheduled System Upgrade, Coverage Analyses- Outstanding and Fees, Clinical Trial Budget Review and Approval, 90 Day cost Transfers and Effort Certifications.

AURA 02/06/20- Cancelled.

AURA 11/06/19- UTHealth START: System Updates, PI Separation Process, Q&A.

AURA 05/01/19- IRB and Start Up Fees: New Invoicing Process.

AURA 02/06/19- Grant and Contact Management System Update presentation, 2018 A133 Federal Audit guidelines.  

AURA 11/14/18- Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility - the Role of a Research Administrator by George Stancel, Ph.D. Exec Vice President of Academic and Research Affairs, Contracting for Consultants on Grants, Grants Management System Update.

AURA 08/22/18- Biosketch Format, Common Errors, NIH Human Subjects Attachment, Clinical Trial Account Changes for 9/1/18, new SPA website, InforEd - Grants Management System Update.

AURA 05/23/18- Audits/Fiscal Year End, Self-Submit Process Change, Grants Management System Update. 

AURA 02/28/18- Time & Effort, HOOP 69 Indirect Cost Policy Changes, Grants Management System Update, SPA annual training. 

AURA 11/15/17- R&A and Transfer Forms, Budget Set Up on Awards, Clinical Trial Budget Preparation, Professional Webinars, Year End Statistics.

AURA 05/24/17- Grants Team Update, CPRIT Audit Results, Leading your PI to Success

AURA 02/22/17- Website Spotlight, Future Endeavors, Huron Engagement, SPA Changes, SPA Training Course, Grants Updates, Subcontact-Out Transition, Salary Cap Worksheets, Grant Closeouts.   

AURA 08/24/16- Salary Cap Worksheet, Non-Mons, RedCap, RE-Tool, NIH Updates, Notices. 

AURA 05/25/16- Website Spotlight, Effort Certification, Effort Reporting Dates, Effort Reminders, Effort Reporting Resources, NIH Updates, Updated FOAs, Cayuse/Form Updates, What is a Clinical Trial, Clinical Trial R&A, PAF Updates.

AURA 02/24/16- Website Spotlight, SPA Training Course, R&A Form, HOOP 64, NIH Updates, CRF Training, CRF Monitoring, Hot Topics.

AURA 12/02/15- NIH Notices & SPA Holiday Coverage, Effort Reporting, Preview of New R&A Form, Hot Topics: A-133 Audit Update

AURA 07/22/15- Effort Update, SPA Training, CRB Implementation, PAF Account Close Out, Twitter, SPA Website Review

AURA 06/03/15- Greenphire ClinCard, Updates from Clinical Research Finance, Effort Reporting, FDP/Federal Update 

AURA 03/25/15- Clinical Research Billing, Residual Account Closure, Extended Leave & Sponsored Projects

AURA 01/28/15- Equipment Transfers, CRF Updates, Effort Reminders, Audit Update