Federal Grant Proposal Requirements
The majority of proposals submitted by UTHealth are to US federal agencies. To apply for a grant, you respond to funding opportunity that contains instructions on how to apply.
Each federal agency has its own requirements, and some have alternate systems for proposal submission. Regardless of the submission portal used to submit an application, a Cayuse record must be created and routed to SPA.
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) is a DoD grant program, managed by USARMC and USAMRAA.
The application process requires a pre-application in the Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) and, upon invitation, a full application to Grants.gov using UTSTART and application verification in eBRAP.
When creating the pre-application list the Performing and Contracting Agency as Texas, University of, Health Science Center at Houston and list the Primary Business Official as Carmen Martinez.
Contact Preaward@uth.tmc.edu for access to eBRAP.
The DoEd typically accepts grant applications via Grants.gov and has a Grant Management System, G5, that SPA uses to retrieve awards and submit changes.
When creating Grants.gov Workspace for DoEd, be sure to use your Grants.gov account that is linked to the DoEd DUNS number (800771594) or UEI (ZUFBNVZ587D4).
The DoE has an online funding opportunity and application portal called Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) Funding Opportunity Exchange. The UTHealth PI must forward their DoE proposal to SPA for submission.
DoE has other funding opportunities that are submitted via Cayuse to Grants.gov.
The Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) is used to submit pre-applications, letters of intent, revised budgets, and receive merit reviewers’ comments for the DoE Office of Science.
DoJ grants run through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and will use UTSTART to submit to Grants.gov. The submission creates an application in the JustGrants portal and final application submission is completed in this portal.
Refer to USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) guidance. USDA applications will be submitted to grants.gov using the UTSTART system.
USDA APHIS utilizes a separate portal, ezFedGrants. All applications are created and submitted within this portal. A separate UTSTART proposal record is required.
HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB) is a single access point for all HRSA grants and non-grant programs for grants administration.
HRSA applications will be submitted to grants.gov utilizing the UTSTART system.
NIH proposals should be submitted using our institutional system-to-system solution (UTSTART). UTSTART submits applications to Grants.gov.
The eRA Commons system can be used to track your submitted proposal. It is required that PIs and all key personnel listed on your grant application have an active, valid eRA Commons ID prior to submission.
Contact Systems and Reporting at SystemsReporting@uth.tmc.edu to have a username assigned or affiliated with UTHealth.
NSF accepts proposals via Research.gov.
Some NSF funding opportunities require pre-proposals or letters of intent submitted via Research.gov. Most are submitted by SPA, but some are submitted by the PI. Check the funding opportunity. If SPA is submitting a pre-proposal, a UTHealth START record is required and internal deadlines apply.
Instructions for Proposal Submission:
- PI must have an account registered with NSF.
- Review NSF proposal preparation instructions in the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide.
- Complete the proposal.
- “Allow SPO access” to give SPA the ability to review the proposal.
- Research.gov automatically runs validations; resolve errors/warnings.
- Click to “Allow AOR to view, edit, and submit proposal”
- Download a PDF copy of the application from the system and attach it to your UTHealth START record.
- SPA reviews the proposal.
- SPA submits final proposal in Research.gov
NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)
Researchers must register in NSPIRES and request affiliation with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. SPA confirms or denies affiliations.
NASA Application Process:
- Complete all elements in NSPIRES, including Proposal Summary, Business Data, Budget, Program Specific Data, and Proposal Team.
- Upload final proposal as an attachment and link the proposals to allow SPA to view.
- To allow SPA to submit, lock the proposal in NSPIRES.
- Download a PDF copy of the application from NSPIRES and attach it to the UTHealth START record when routing to SPA for review.