Kimberly Lofton
Team: Subawards
Phone: (713)-500- 3051
Department Assignments
- MS - ACTAT/ EP Heart
- MS - Advanced Heart Failure (ACTAT)
- MS - Anesthesiology
- MS - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- MS - Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
- MS - Children’s Heart Institute
- MS - Dermatology
- MS - Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging
- MS - Emergency Medicine
- MS - Family Practice
- MS - Graduate Medical Education
- MS - Health, Humanities & Human Spirit Program
- MS - Healthcare Transformation Initiatives, Practice Plan
- MS - IM - Allergy & Clinical Immunology
- MS - IM - Cardiology
- MS - IM - Chair's Office
- MS - IM - Endocrinology
- MS - IM - Gastroenterology
- MS - IM - General Division
- MS - IM - Geriatric Medicine
- MS - IM - Hematology
- MS - IM - Infectious Diseases
- MS - IM - Medical Genetics
- MS - IM - Oncology
- MS - IM - Pulmonary/ Critical Care
- MS - IM - Renal Disease
- MS - IM - Rheumatology
- MS - IMM - Cardiovascular Genetic Research
- MS - IMM - General
- MS - IMM - Human Genetics
- MS - IMM - Immunology & Autoimmune Diseases
- MS - IMM - Metabolic & Degenerative Diseases
- MS - IMM - Molecular Imaging
- MS - IMM - Precision Biomedicine
- MS - IMM - Proteomics & Systems Biology
- MS - IMM - Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
- MS - IMM - Texas Therapeutics Institute
- MS - Integrative Biology & Pharmacology
- MS - Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- MS - Neurobiology & Anatomy
- MS - Neurology
- MS - Neurosurgery
- MS - Office of Educational Programs
- MS - Ophthalmology and Visual Science
- MS - Orthopedic Surgery
- MS - Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
- MS - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- MS - Pediatric Surgery
- MS - Pediatrics
- MS - Pediatrics, Children's Learning Institute (CLI)
- MS - Pediatrics, Gulf States Hemophilia Center
- MS - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- MS - Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- MS - Surgery