Progress Reports
As a component of the reporting process to the sponsoring agency, progress reports are typically required for all awards. The reporting requirements for an agency are generally listed in the program announcement, the agency’s polices and guidelines, notice of grant award, or sponsored research agreement.
Pre-award must review and approve all annual progress reports prior to submitting to the agency. The R&A Addendum and progress report documents are due to Pre-award no later than seven (7) business days prior to the agency due date.
Progress reports usually are required annually as part of the non-competing continuation award process. NIH may require these reports more frequently. Refer to the notice of award (NOGA) for reporting requirements. The “Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report” (PHS 2590) or equivalent documentation (e.g., Research Performance Progress Report [RPPR]) must be submitted to, and approved by, NIH to non-competitively fund each additional budget period within a previously approved project period (competitive segment). Except for awards subject to SNAP, the progress report includes an updated budget in addition to other required information.
The RPPR is a federal wide format for the submission of required annual or other interim performance reporting on grant and cooperative agreement awards. NIH now requires use of the RPPR module in eRA Commons to submit all annual progress reports. NIH continues development of the RPPR for final progress reports and for administrative extensions (Type 4s; e.g., SBIR/STTR Fast-Track Phase II application) and will update the community as progress is made. For additional information visit the NIH RPPR website.
Principal Investigators and Departments can determine when progress reports are due utilizing the NIH Progress Report Search By IPF Number (the UTHealth IPF Number is 578417). In addition to this website, the NIH will send an automatic email notification to the PD/PI. Due dates for progress reports are also located in eRA Commons.
- Send a completed R&A Addendum to
- Route the completed RPPR to SPA by selecting an Authorized Signing Official (Carmen Martinez). Use the validation button in the RPPR application to ensure there are no errors in the application prior to submitting it to Pre-award.
- Submit the final progress report using Cayuse424. Detailed instructions are provided in the How to Upload a Non-Federal Application to SPA document.
- Include a completed R&A Addendum form in your packet.