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International Affiliations

International Affiliations: Relationships with academic, clinical, or training sites in foreign countries. The interpersonal relationship – the individuals involved – is the critical factor in the success or failure of international relationships. International relationships consume faculty time, energy, and commitment. To protect this relationship, faculty members should promptly notify the Vice President for Global Health Initiatives, when discussing projects with a potential affiliate. International academic and scholarly exchange agreements require the approval of UT System; the Vice President for Global Health Initiatives can facilitate obtaining this approval and, along with the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs, provide information and services that will ease the process for all concerned. Interactions at the institutional level are facilitated – and misunderstandings are avoided – by having a written agreement in place that defines the nature of the interactions and the responsibilities and obligations of the participating universities/entities. Formal and informal agreements alike are most effective when spelled out in written form, to outline expectation, assure understanding on the part of all involved, and protect the interpersonal relationship that brought the affiliation about. HOOP 91 - International Affiliations and Statement on International Affiliations

Funding Support from International Entities: Employees may not independently conduct research for or on behalf of another entity, receive research funding or support from an outside source, or operate a lab or research facility outside of the University. All proposals for sponsored research by employees or students shall be made by and through the agencies of the University and must meet all policy and procedural standards. All awards for sponsored research are made to the University, and all research funds must be deposited in University-approved accounts.  The principal investigator(s) named in the award is authorized to administer the research funding on behalf of the University in accordance with University business procedures. (HOOP 168 Conduct of Research)

Authorship Affiliation: In accordance with institutional policy, employees holding secondary or visiting roles at universities or research institutions external to UTHealth Houston must designate UTHealth Houston as their primary affiliation in any publications. If a contract or agreement with another institution requires listing that institution as primary affiliation, employees must seek prior approval from both the respective dean and the conflict of interest office. (see HOOP 20 Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities and HOOP 94 Research Conflicts of Interest. ) There are exceptions to this rule, for example, when a publication is about a project that was substantially completed before joining UTHealth Houston, the previous institution may be designated as the primary affiliation and UTHealth Houston as the secondary affiliation.