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We are hiring for: Research Scientist and Senior Research Scientist.
The UTHealth Houston Cancer Genomics Center (CGC), a nonprofit core, was established in 2019 and funded by a CPRIT grant (RP180734). The CGC’s mission is to bring the newest next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to the research community and to help facilitate cutting-edge cancer research in the Texas Medical Center and other areas of Texas. The CGC offers the bulk DNA sequencings, the bulk RNA sequencings and single-cell RNA sequencings. The CGC also provides project consultation and advanced bioinformatics services and collaboration. Due to the reliable and fast-turnaround services, the core has built a user group with more than 100 investigators from UTHealth Houston, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Texas Children Hospital, Texas A&M University and more. In addition, CGC service has contributed to many publications and grant applications. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, CGC has maintained reliable services and developed multiple new pipelines, including single-cell multiome (ATAC sequencing and transcriptome sequencing), Visium Spatical transcriptomcis, and ultra-low input mRNA sequencing. The new services will continue to be explored and added to support the research needs of the community.
Zhongming Zhao, PhD, Director
Wenbo Li, PhD, NGS Sequencing Leader
Wankun Deng, PhD, Bioinformatics Leader
Xian Chen, PhD, Program Manager
Yulin Dai, PhD, Bioinformatics
Wankun Deng, PhD, Bioinformatics
Citu Citu, PhD, Bioinformatics
Zachary M. Robinson, NGS Support
Shipra Pant, PhD, NGS Support
Phone: 713-500-3631 713-500-7933 (core)
Email: zhongming.zhao@uth.tmc.edu or CGC@uth.tmc.edu
The CGC is supported by CPRIT Core Facility Support Grants (#RP240610). Please use one of the following formats to acknowledge in your manuscripts: