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McGovern Medical School Alumni Association

Board of Trustees

2024 - 2025

Vivian Porche, MD '85 – President

Summer Merritt, MD '04 – President-Elect

Rainer Khetan, MD '94 – Past President

Farah Shah, MD '89 – Secretary

Gloria Oyeniyi, MD '11 – Treasurer

Shannon Abikhaled, MD '92

Priscilla Alfaro, MD '89

Stacy Nayes Botha, MD '13

John Cangelosi, MD '05

Mark Chassay, MD '92

Eric Crowell, MD '13

Emma Dishner, MD ‘14

Andy Dollahite, MD ‘82

Saadia Faiz, MD '99

Lauren Fournier, MD '14

Elizabeth Geddes-Bruce, MD '10

Raegan Hunt, MD, PhD '06

Roger Khetan, MD '94

DeeDee McDonald, MD ‘94

John E. McDonald, MD '82

Shelby Melton, MD '04

Richard Naftalis, MD '85

Shama Rasheed, MD '99

David Savage, MD, PhD '18

Lisa Schlitzkus, MD '06

Azreena Thomas, MD ‘88

Matt Whited, MD '18

Amy Wilson, MD '92

Alumni Association Bylaws

  • Article I - Name

    The name of the organization shall be “McGovern Medical School Alumni Association” (Association).

  • Article II - Purpose

    The purpose of the organization is to:

    • create a community of graduates, from both medical school and graduate training, who wish to remain close to their medical education roots and classmates,
    • promote the interests of the school,
    • promote the interests of its members,
    • encourage participation of all alumni in matters concerning the University, its students and graduates, and
    • promote philanthropic efforts for the medical school and its students.

    The organization is for McGovern Medical School, a part of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston). The organization is established for non-profit purposes.

  • Article III - Membership
    1. All recipients of the Doctor of Medicine degree from McGovern Medical School and all former residents and fellows who have completed training at the school’s Affiliated Residency Programs are members of the Association.
    2. Voting Members: Any member shall be eligible to vote.
    3. Voting membership benefits include voting at the annual meeting, serving on the Board of Trustees, access to discounts, and other benefits as determined by the Board.
  • ARTICLE IV – Officers and Governing Body

    Association Officers

    1. Association Officers shall be elected at large by majority vote of the Board members present at the annual meeting, must maintain voting memberships during the course of their terms, and shall be designated as follows:
      1. President
      2. President-Elect
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer
      5. Past President
    2. The duties of the Association officers shall be as follows:
      1. The President shall assume office at the conclusion of the annual meeting after having been elected President-Elect, preside over all meetings, appoint the members of all committees not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, serve as Chair of the Board of Trustees, serve on the UTHealth Houston Alumni Council, and serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of the UTHealth Houston Development Board. Service on UTHealth Houston councils and boards is subject to the university’s terms of who shall serve as members of the various bodies.
      2. The President-Elect shall be elected and begin his/her term at the conclusion of the annual meeting. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall assume the President’s duties. In case of incapacitation, resignation or death of the President, the President-Elect shall succeed for the remainder of the current term plus the term for which he/she was elected. The President-Elect shall serve as chair of the Awards Committee.
      3. The Secretary shall be elected and begin his/her term at the conclusion of the annual meeting. The Secretary shall work in conjunction with the University Alumni Engagement team at McGovern Medical School in recording and preserving an accurate record of proceedings of each meeting.
      4. The Treasurer shall be elected and begin his/her term at the conclusion of the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall maintain records of monies and the budget, dues and expenses of the Association.  The Treasurer will ensure the completion and filing of an annual IRS income tax statement in order to maintain the Association’s tax-exempt status.
      5. The Past President serves as a consultant to the officers and the Board of Trustees. In addition, the Past President serves as the chair of the Nominating Committee.
      6. Participation: Officers are expected to be voting members of the Association and to attend and actively participate in Board meetings, committee meetings, electronic discussions and conference calls.
    3. The terms of the Officers shall be for one year from the conclusion of the annual meeting. Each Officer can succeed him/herself for an additional term.
    4. Officers may be removed from office by a 75% or greater vote of Board members in attendance at an official Board meeting.

    Association Board of Trustees

    1. The Association Board of Trustees shall be the governing body of the Association and shall consist of the following:
      1. The Association Officers (President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer).
      2. The Trustees, who are general Association members.
      3. The Class President from each Medical School Class, Alumni Student Network Co-Presidents, and the President of the House Staff Association – ex officio and non-voting.
      4. Dean of the Medical School – ex officio and non-voting.
      5. The designated lead for the University Alumni Engagement team of McGovern Medical School – ex officio and non-voting.
      6. Vacancies occurring in the Trustees positions may be filled by Presidential appointment for the remainder of the Board member’s term.
    2. The duties of the Association Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
      1. Approve an annual report and a budget for the upcoming year prior to the annual meeting of the Association. The budget must be approved by a majority of the members present at the meeting. The budget is then recommended to the Association for approval at the annual meeting.
      2. Authorize expenditures, order the payment of accounts, and act as an auditing committee.
      3. Attend and actively participate in Board meetings, committee meetings, electronic discussions and conference calls.
        1. The term of the Trustees is for a period of three years starting at the end of the annual meeting at which each was elected. Trustees serve staggered terms to ensure consistency and efficiency within the Association.
        2. Trustees may be removed from office by a 75% or greater vote of Board members in attendance at an official Board meeting. Establish policies and procedures for the effective operation of the Board.


    1. Nominating Committee
      1. A nominating committee shall be chosen by the Past President at least three months prior to the annual meeting. The nominating committee consists of the Past President and three other members of the Board of Trustees. The committee shall recommend a slate of nominees to the general membership at the annual meeting.
      2. The President, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, shall send the nominees’ names to the membership one month prior to the annual meeting.
      3. Nominees for an Officer position must have served on the Board of Trustees for at least one year.
      4. To ensure a broad representation, Trustees will be nominated to promote a diversity of interests to include: decade of graduation, geographic region, specialty, and faculty/non-faculty.
    2. Elections
      Officer and Board of Trustees elections will be held at the annual meeting.  Elections will be held by secret ballot vote, unless there is only one nominated candidate for the position.  That candidate may be elected by acclamation.  Candidates must receive a majority of the votes cast.
  • ARTICLE V – Committees
    1. Standing Committees
    2. Standing committees are used by the Board of Trustees on a continual basis. Ad hoc committees, such as a Bylaws Committee, may be formed as needed. Ad hoc committee members shall be selected by the President.
    3. Standing committees include:
      1. Executive Committee
      2. Awards Committee, and
      3. Nominating Committee
    4. The Executive Committee
      1. The Executive Committee consists of the Officers of the Association – President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Past President.
      2. The Executive Committee has the authority to act on behalf of the Association between scheduled meetings.
      3. The Executive Committee may approve expenditures of up to $1,500 per transaction without full Board approval.
    5. Awards Committee
      1. The Awards Committee members shall be named by the President. The composition of the Awards Committee shall be at a minimum the President-Elect, two Board members, and a past recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award. The President-Elect will serve as chair.
      2. The Awards Committee shall be responsible for administering the nomination process and selection of the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
      3. The Awards Committee shall review and establish criteria for awards with the approval of the Board.
    6. Nominating Committee
      1. The Nominating Committee is described in Article IV, Section C.1.
  • ARTICLE VI – Association Meetings

    Meetings of the Association

    1. Unless designated otherwise by the Board of Trustees, the annual meeting of the Association shall be held in August. The exact date shall be decided upon by the Board of Trustees who must notify the members, in writing, at least three months in advance.
    2. Votes shall be determined by a majority of the members in attendance at the business meeting session.
    3. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Association or upon written request of twenty or more members of the Association. Notice of such meetings shall be sent at least 30 days in advance to all members of the Association and shall state the agenda of the called meeting.
    4. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least quarterly with one meeting prior to the Association’s annual meeting to facilitate the coordination of the annual meeting. All Board members shall receive notification at least one month prior to the meetings.
    5. A majority of the voting Board members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the Board of Trustees.
    6. Board meetings may be held in person, by conference call or virtually. Electronic voting on resolutions is permitted.
    7. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or upon written request of five or more members of the Board. Notice of such meetings shall be sent to all Board Members and shall state the agenda of the called meeting.

    Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    1. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least quarterly with one meeting prior to the Association’s annual meeting to facilitate the coordination of the annual meeting. All Board members shall receive notification at least one month prior to the meetings.
    2. A majority of the voting Board members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the Board of Trustees.
    3. Board meetings may be held in person, by conference call or virtually. Electronic voting on resolutions is permitted.
    4. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or upon written request of five or more members of the Board. Notice of such meetings shall be sent to all Board Members and shall state the agenda of the called meeting.
  • ARTICLE VII – Amendments

    The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the members present at the annual meeting, provided that the membership has been notified of the proposed amendment(s) at least one month prior to the annual meeting.

  • ARTICLE VIII – Bylaws

    The Association shall be governed by these Bylaws. All matters not specifically discussed in these Bylaws are remanded to the Board of Trustees for its consideration.

  • ARTICLE IX – Bylaws Location

    A copy of the Bylaws shall be posted on the Association website and maintained in the University Alumni Engagement team at McGovern Medical School.

  • ARTICLE X – Dissolution

    In the event of the dissolution of this organization, or discontinuation of its operation, all available funds and/or assets of the organization shall become the property of McGovern Medical School.  If, for any reason, McGovern Medical School should fail to accept these assets, they may become the property of a tax-exempt, medical educational organization or institution to be designated by the State of Texas or by a court of the State of Texas.

    These Bylaws were approved on 8-26-2021.

Alumni and Volunteer Engagement

7000 Fannin Street, Suite 1200
Houston, Texas 77030