UTHealth Houston encourages its students to develop collegial relationships and has established policies and procedures governing organizations that seek recognition by the university. To be recognized by the university the student organization must submit an application to the school Student Affairs office and be approved and registered by UTHealth Houston Student Affairs. Download a copy of the UTHealth Houston Student Organization Manual - Guidelines and Procedures.
Student Organization Applications
- Applications for new student organizations will be accepted throughout each year.
- To apply and be registered as a new student organization, click on New Student Organization Application and complete the application form.
- Applications will be accepted from August to November 1st of each year. Any application submitted after November 1st, or any application received that is incomplete after November 1st, will be denied processing or renewal for that academic year.
- All registered student organizations at UTHealth Houston must renew their registration status prior to the beginning of the fall semester in order to remain active. To apply for renewal click on annual Renewal Student Organization Application and complete application form. Student organizations that do not submit a renewal application in the fall of each year will forfeit registered status at the university.
- To assist your organization in preparing your local constitution and/or bylaws a Sample Bylaws Template is made available showing sections that should be included for application submission.
- Check relevant policies below to ensure that any policy related to your organization is up to date for the year of renewal. Keep in mind that ALL student organization bylaws MUST include the current Hoop Policy 183 Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment and Equal Opportunity
- Failure to submit bylaws will delay your application.
Registered Student Organizations for 2024-2025
Current list of student organizations at UTHealth Houston
- Please note that the information provided in this link is for general information purposes only and is not binding. All details are subject to change without notice.
Student Organization Funding Opportunities
Student InterCouncil (SIC) Project Funding
The Student InterCouncil supports educational enhancement and cultural exchange amongst UTHealth Houston students. The purpose of the SIC Project Fund is to provide funds of up to $500 to sponsor well-defined projects proposed by registered student organizations at UTHealth Houston. Each organization may be awarded no more than $500 per academic year.
Selected projects must benefit the student body and should be educational in nature, aiming to enhance students’ knowledge, educational experience and/or cultural exchanges. Visit the Student InterCouncil (SIC) Project Funding page for more information.
Relevant Policies
- HOOP Policy 110 Student Organizations
- HOOP Policy 165 Solicitation on Campus
- HOOP Policy 8 Use of the University Name, Logo or Seal
- HOOP Policy 164 Minors on Campus
- HOOP Policy 11 Use of University Facilities
- HOOP Policy 174 Speech and Assembly
- HOOP Policy 186 Student Conduct and Discipline
- HOOP Policy 59 Sexual Misconduct
- Hoop Policy 183 Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment and Equal Opportunity