UTHealth Houston | Leads is a one-year student fellowship program to develop future leaders in health care. In the program, UTHealth Houston students learn how to develop self-awareness, increase their leadership confidence, lead others, and effectively influence systems.
A total of 24 UTHealth Houston students make up this year’s cohort, four per school. They will be provided opportunities to network with executive leaders, develop fundamental skills, and commit to actions to continue their growth.
What is the timeline?
The program will take place from August 2024 - April 2025.
What does the time commitment look like?
The program will have:
- One lunch and learn per month varying with sessions and local leaders (1-2 hours per lunch and learn)
- 1-2 meetings with a leadership coach
- Some minimal outside required activities and readings
- Serve in one of the following initiatives:
- Pathways Into Health Care Conference
- Emerging Health Professions
- UTHealth Houston Cares
- Student Financial Services Student Advisory Committee
- Lead a leadership workshop at the UTHealth Houston Resource Conference
- Capstone project
To apply or for more information, please contact Jennifer A. Ramos at Jennifer.A.Ramos@uth.tmc.edu.