The SIC shall be comprised of UTHealth Houston registered full-time students in good academic standing; there shall be three representatives from each of the six UTHealth Houston schools. Special groups may be represented as decided by the SIC. It is recommended that each representative complete one semester of enrollment at their school prior to serving as a representative on the SIC. The SIC shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law.
Section 1. School Representatives
Members must be elected by the student body or appointed by the elected student government organization of the school which they will represent. Election/appointment of members representing UTHealth Houston component schools shall be selected according to the bylaws of the school in which they will represent. Three representatives must be elected/appointed from each UTHealth Houston school. The elected school representatives must be enrolled full-time, and in good academic standing, at the Houston campus schools in order to meet SIC meeting and activity requirements. If elected as a SIC officer, the member must be allowed to serve in that capacity for the duration of the term of office. It is recommended that at least one-third of the representatives serve a two-year term, and one-third should be new members, thus ensuring continuity of the SIC from year to year. SIC representatives may serve for two years without re-election from their corresponding schools. Students who wish to remain for their second year, must notify their respective schools of their intention to remain for the following year before the next round of elections.
Section 2. Member at Large Representatives
Three students will be registered as member at large representatives. To apply, a student must be enrolled at UTHealth Houston. A call for member at large representatives will be sent out by the SIC to all UTHealth Houston students in order to fill vacant positions under this group. Current standing SIC officers shall oversee the nomination and review process and report the ranked applications to the SIC President for final selection. These positions will prioritize applicants who add to the mission of equal opportunity within the SIC body. If a member at large representative is selected to a SIC officer position, he/she will be automatically appointed to the SIC as a member at large for the duration of his/her elected term. All representatives for the member at large position must be an American citizen or permanent resident.
Section 3. International Student Representatives
Three students registered as international students shall be appointed as representatives on the SIC. To apply, an international student must be enrolled at UTHealth Houston on a non-immigrant visa. The SIC will confirm this status through the Registrar’s Office. A call for applications from international students will be sent out by the SIC to all UTHealth Houston students in order to fill vacant positions under this group. Current standing SIC officers shall oversee the nomination and review process and report the ranked applications to the SIC President for final selection. If an international representative is elected to a SIC officer position, he/she will be automatically appointed to the SIC as an international student representative for the duration of his/her elected term.
Section 4. The University of Texas System Student Advisory Council Representatives
The SIC will elect three current members to serve on The University of Texas System Student Advisory Council (UTSSAC). Two of the three representatives shall be elected for a one-year term, and the third member shall be elected for a two-year term with the first year serving as alternate. The UTSSAC representatives shall represent UTHealth Houston at UTSSAC meetings and present an oral report to SIC at the next scheduled meeting following the UTSSAC meeting.
Section 5. Election and Term of Office
Election/appointment of representatives shall be conducted once a year by each individual school unless a special election is needed. Schools without representatives in place by August 27th, shall forfeit representation until such time as representative(s) are elected/appointed.
In the event that representatives are not in place by October 31st, the SIC selection committee may call for applicants to fill the vacant position(s). SIC shall first notify the school governance President of a vacancy in written format prior to sending out applications. Applications will be sent out to the respective school’s student body if no response is received from the student governance President within 30 days of receipt of written request. An appointed representative must be a full-time registered student in good academic standing at the school that they represent and shall serve for the duration of the term. A given representative must begin and end their term on SIC while representing the same school or constituency. Representatives will not be allowed to represent a different school or constituency from term-to-term or within a term without first being elected/appointed to the new position. The term of office for SIC representatives shall begin on June 15th and end on June 1st of the following year.
Section 6. Vacancies
Given that an elected or appointed member of the SIC has chosen to serve his/her constituents and that said service cannot be adequately performed when the representative is absent from SIC meetings, a replacement will be chosen after any representative fails to attend at least 50% of meetings in a semester. Members must also attend all official SIC events in a given semester unless granted an excused absence. Excused absences may be granted by the SIC President at his/her discretion for emergencies or school scheduling conflicts and should be submitted as a written request to the SIC President no later than 72 hours prior to the event, when possible.
There is no limit to the number of excused absences a SIC representative may receive from the President for events. Any member failing to attend at least 50% of SIC events per semester without obtaining excused absences for any events missed will be removed from their position. In the event that the President removes a representative from SIC based on lack of attendance, he/she must promptly notify in writing the representative in question as well as the SIC officers. The representative in question shall have 14 days to appeal the decision before being permanently removed from SIC. If a member is removed, and decides to appeal, he/she must notify the SIC Vice President within 14 days of the President’s notice of removal by sending a written request to be added to the next full council meeting agenda for an appeal. During the meeting, the appealing representative may discuss the circumstances of the removal and request the council to vote against removal. SIC shall take a confidential vote. The vote, decided by simple majority of those representatives present and voting, will be final. The appealing member shall retain the status of a voting representative until the appeal process is finalized by a full council vote. After 14 days, if an appeal is not made, the representative in question forfeits any right to appeal the decision and shall be permanently removed from council.
In the event that a representative is removed from council either after appealing or after waving the appeal process, the SIC President shall submit written notice to the representative and representative’s school informing the dean or respective school’s governing body of the need to replace said representative. Should a representative need to be replaced mid-term, the SIC shall advise the school's governing body President of the need to fill that position. The school student body then has 30 days from the date notice was received to fill the vacant position. If the position is not filled after 30 days, the SIC selection committee shall send out a call for applications to the school student body of the given school. If an international or member at large student representative should need to be replaced mid-term, the SIC Selection Committee shall appoint the next highest ranked applicant on file for that year.
Section 7. Committee Participation
Each representative shall formally participate in all assigned committees one of which must be a standing committee