Message from the Chair
Our Development Board allows us the unique opportunity to provide important guidance for the university. In doing so, we create deeper connections between UTHealth Houston and the communities we serve. Our collective strength empowers UTHealth Houston to uphold our shared mission to educate health science professionals, discover and translate advances in the biomedical and social sciences, and model the best practices in clinical care and public health.
The advocacy and support of leaders like you go a long way toward enhancing initiatives at our schools and inspiring others to participate. Together, we will make a powerful impact as we promote programs that save and improve lives across the region and beyond.
Maria C. Pappas
- Chair, UTHealth Houston Development Board
- 2024-2026
Board member spotlight
- Maria C. Pappas, Chair
- Carolyn Frost Keenan, Chair-Elect
- Ransom C. Lummis, Immediate Past Chair
- Cynthia J. Adkins
- Rita M. Cammarata, DDS '96
- John P. Gaylord
- Brett W. Hogan
- Umesh K. (Mike) Jain
- Richard J. (Dick) Trabulsi, Jr
- Carolyn Frost Keenan, Membership Chair
- Maria C. Pappas
- Ransom C. Lummis
- John J. Cangelosi, MD '05
- Cyrus B. Irani
- Umesh K. (Mike) Jain
- Duncan L. Lamme
- Walter G. (Tad) Mayfield
- Cydonii V. Fairfax Miles
- Raeanne H. Walker
- Jay S. Zeidman
- Jane W. (Janie) Zilkha
- Cynthia J. Adkins
- Richard E. (Dick) Agee
- Anthony F. Bahr
- Lorne D. Bain
- Margaret A. (Peggy) Barnett
- Amit Bhandari
- Faiyaz A. Bhojani, MD, DrPH '99, FACP
- Patrick J. Breen
- Joe M. Bridges, DHI '22
- Catherine (Cathy) Brock
- Sue J. Brown, PhD
- Rita M. Cammarata, DDS '96
- William J. (Bill) Campbell
- John J. Cangelosi, MD '05
- Phil D. Conway
- Collin J. Cox
- Michael Cox
- Elizabeth B. (Beth) Cozby
- Catherine P. Crain
- Roddy K. (Rod) Cutsinger
- June Deadrick
- Ryan L. Dearborn
- Charles W. (Carlos) Duncan, III
- Mary M. Dyer
- Mary Virginia (Jenny) Elkins
- Anthony L. Faillace
- George R. Farris
- J. Philip (Phil) Ferguson
- Jeffrey B. (Jeff) Firestone
- John P. Gaylord
- Harry Gee, Jr.
- Barbara Jenkins Gibbs, MD
- Irma Gigli, MD
- Alfred C. Glassell, III
- Julius Glickman
- Refugio G. (Rey) Gonzales
- Steven L. (Steve) Gordon
- Laurel W. (Annie) Graham
- Robert H. (Bob) Graham
- Ronald C. Green
- Janice F. Griffin
- Jenard M. Gross
- Albert J. Grobmyer, IV
- Nancy P. Guinee
- Anne L. Hamman
- Sally Hartman Harvin
- Diana Mayor Hawkins
- Jesse B. Heath, Jr.
- Sheri C. Henriksen
- H. W. (Buddy) Hightower, Jr.
- Alex (Lex) Hochner, III
- Brett W. Hogan
- Bradley N. (Brad) Howell
- Cyrus B. Irani
- Umesh K. (Mike) Jain
- Jill F. Jewett
- Walter E. Johnson
- Helena P. Johnson
- Jesse H. (Jay) Jones, II
- Lenoir M. Josey, II
- Andrew D. (Drew) Kanaly
- Evan H. Katz
- Carolyn Frost Keenan
- Roger S. Khetan, MD '94, FACP
- Heamo L. (Steve) Koo, DDS '99
- David B. Krieger
- Terri Lacy
- Georgiana B. Ladd
- Duncan L. Lamme
- Barry M. Lewis
- Kenneth J. Lewis
- Cornelia C. Long
- Ransom C. Lummis
- Paul M. Mann, II, MD '99
- Rodney H. Margolis
- Scott D. Martin
- Walter G. (Tad) Mayfield
- Christopher M. K. (Chris) McCord
- John E. McDonald
- Mary Hale Lovett McLean
- D. Bradley (Brad) McWilliams
- Cydonii V. Fairfax Miles
- Carrie C. Miller
- David M. Mincberg
- Leila W. Mischer
- Paula Mischer
- Richard W. Mithoff
- Virginia L. (Ginni) Mithoff
- Christine Robertson Morenz
- Sallie C. Morian
- Mark Musemeche
- Mark E. Nini
- D. (Dudley) Oldham
- Katharine (Kathy) Orton
- Dee S. Osborne
- Maria C. Pappas
- Charles R. (Charlie) Parker
- Marsha A. Parker
- John R. Pitts
- Susanne B. Pritchard
- Nancy E. Pustka
- Edward (Ed) Randall, IV
- Wilhelmina E. (Beth) Robertson
- Barbara R. Riley
- Alexander C. (Chase) Robison
- Dick Rogers
- Michael Sachs
- Julie P. Samson
- Christopher B. (Chris) Sarofim
- Lisa A. Sarvadi
- Britt O. Schmidt
- William C. (Bill) Shrader
- Thomas R. (Tom) Standish
- Kevin Stanley
- Karl S. Stern
- Ellen S. Susman
- Ralph B. Thomas
- Richard J. (Dick) Trabulsi, Jr.
- David M. Underwood, Jr.
- Raeanne H. Walker
- Linda M. Wells
- William M. (Bill) Wheless, III
- Margaret Alkek Williams
- Lora J. (Jeanie) Kilroy Wilson
- Patricia H. (Patty) Woods
- Fred S. Zeidman
- Jay S. Zeidman
- Jane W. (Janie) Zilkha
- Ransom C. Lummis
- Virginia L. (Ginni) Mithoff
- Diana Mayor Hawkins
- J. Philip (Phil) Ferguson
- Robert H. (Bob) Graham
- Julius Glickman
- Fred S. Zeidman
- David M. Grimes
- Phil D. Conway
- Bradley N. (Brad) Howell
- Max S. Levit
- William J. (Bill) Campbell
- Lorne D. Bain
- Dee S. Osborne
- Margaret A. (Peggy) Barnett
- Rodney H. Margolis
- Ralph B. Thomas
- Jenard M. Gross
- William M. (Bill) Wheless, III
- LaTanya Love, MD
Interim President, UTHealth Houston - Kyle Griffin
President, Houston Texas Exes - Elizabeth (Liz) Hunsaker, DDS '85
President, School of Dentistry Alumni Association - Nina S. Leifeste, DDS '88
Advisor to the Dean, School of Dentistry - Vivian Porche, MD '85
President, McGovern Medical School Alumni Association
- Margaret A. (Peggy) Barnett
- H. W. (Buddy) Hightower, Jr.
- Rodney H. Margolis
- Wilhelmina E. (Beth) Robertson