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University Professional Building

University of Texas Professional Building

Located at the north end of the Texas Medical Center between Fannin and Main, UPB is home to UT Physicians, University Dental Center, retail stores, and private physician practices all in close proximity to McGovern Medical School and the TMC Library. UT Professional Building is open Monday - Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and inquiries may be directed to the Office of Property/Leasing manager at 832-325-7676.

In building emergencies, please call building security 832-325-7667, or UT Police at 713-500-4357. For after hours sky-bridge access on the second floor of the Professional Building, you may call 713-206-4304 to give advance notice of your arrival at the doors, or simply call the number posted at the entrance if the door is not immediately activated upon identifying yourself.

UT After Hours “Safe Walk” Assistance

For your personal safety if departing the Memorial Hermann Hospital or the University of Texas Professional Building between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00AM, and assistance is needed to your personal vehicle parked in either the Prairie View Garage or UT Parking Garage, simply come to the Security Desk located in the lobby of the Professional Building and seek assistance from the security guard on duty, who will:

  1. If parked in the PV Garage, the officer will personally escort you to the front of the Professional Building on the Fannin Street sidewalk.
  2. While keeping you in view, will instruct you to proceed down the sidewalk to the Prairie View security guard who has been notified of your coming.
  3. The Prairie View security guard will be on the sidewalk awaiting your arrival and will assist in getting you to your vehicle.
  4. For those parking in the UT Garage, a spare radio can be issued which will allow you to stay in communications with the security officer on duty.

For those arriving to the Prairie View Garage between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00AM, and assistance is needed to the Professional Building and the sky bridge, go to the Security Desk in the Prairie View Garage and seek assistance from the security guard on duty, who will:

  1. Escort you to the Fannin Street side of the Prairie View Garage.
  2. While keeping you in view, will instruct you to proceed down the sidewalk to the UT Professional Building security guard who has been notified of your coming.
  3. The UT Professional Building security guard will be on the sidewalk awaiting your arrival and safe entry into UT Professional Building.

**Note: The radio must be returned to the security officer before leaving the premises.