Hello Classified Staff!
Are you a full-time classified staff member or do you know other staff members who would like to have a leadership role and represent UTHealth classified staff employees? Consider serving as a representative on the University Classified Staff Council (UCSC)!
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a UCSC representative, please see the eligibility requirements below:
- Full-time classified staff employee – you can verify this information at top of payroll statement
- Have completed the new-hire probationary period
- Have supervisor approval
- Willing to serve a two-year term
UCSC is composed of full-time classified employees from each operating unit and school, who are willing to represent their peers and bring about positive change at UTHealth. Nominations for new members are held every year in the summer. Elections are held in the event that the number of nominations exceeds the number of open positions.
If elected to serve on the UCSC, you will be required to attend at least nine of the monthly UCSC meetings and be required to serve on one of the five standing committees, which typically meet once a month. Please see more details regarding elections and UCSC in the UCSC Bylaws.
For information, please contact us at UTHealthUCSC@uth.tmc.edu.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you on the council!