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1. I am afraid to report an incident. What kind of protection can the university offer to me?

Members of the university community who retaliate in any way against an individual who has brought a request for resolution or a complaint pursuant to this policy or against an individual who has participated in an investigation of a complaint are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or dismissal. Reports of retaliation shall be made to and investigated by the Office of Institutional Compliance. See HOOP 108, Protection from Retaliation. If a complainant believes there is an immediate threat to their safety, the Title IX Office can coordinate with the appropriate parties for additional protective measures.

2. I just want to talk to someone and I’m not sure I want to report yet. Can I still get help?

Yes. If you’d like to talk to someone without reporting, you may speak with the licensed professional staff at either the Student Health and Counseling Services or the Employee Assistance Program. If you wish to receive interim measures such as class schedule modification, safety escort, or no contact orders, you will need to contact the Title IX Office. You can receive these interim measures without filing a report, but the university may file its own Administrative Complaint in order to assess and respond to any threat to campus safety.

3. If I report my assault/harassment to the Title IX Office, do I have to file a police report?

No. You can report an incident of sexual misconduct to  the Title IX Office, the police, neither, or both. It is completely up to you. However, if you report sexual misconduct to UTP-H they are obligated to inform the Title IX Office and, under certain circumstances, the Title IX Office may be obligated to inform UTP-H.

4. Is my report confidential?

Individuals filing a complaint under this policy may ask that the complaint be considered confidential; however, the circumstances of the complaint will determine whether the request can be honored. Faculty, supervisors, administrators, university officials and Student Affairs Offices who receive a report of sexual misconduct are obligated to disclose the report to the Title IX Coordinator. The university may need to act to maintain campus safety, and the Title IX Coordinator may elect to move forward with resolving the complaint, regardless of the complainant’s request for confidentiality, the manner in which a complaint is received, or whether a complaint is received at all. However, the complainant is strongly encouraged to file a written complaint. If the Title IX Coordinator determines that a request for confidentiality cannot be granted, the complainant will be notified.

In the course of an investigation into a report or complaint, the university may share information only as necessary with people who have a legitimate need for that information and to fulfill the purposes of this policy and comply with applicable law. To the extent possible, the university will also protect the privacy of all parties involved in a report of sexual misconduct.

5. Can I report anonymously?

Individuals wishing to remain anonymous may report an alleged violation of this policy in any manner; however, electing to remain anonymous will limit the university’s ability to collect evidence, take remedial action or otherwise fully address the alleged violation. You can report anonymously to the sources listed here:

6. What kinds of resources does the university make available to individuals who file a complaint?

The types of accommodations, or interim measures, are different for each case. It may be necessary to provide a safety escort, modify class schedules/housing arrangements, or to issue a no-contact order. The Title IX Office will work with complainants to determine what interim measures, if any, are necessary.

7. Does Title IX apply to male/LGBTQ/gender non-conforming victims?

Yes. Title IX applies to all members of the university community regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

8. I have been notified that I am a Respondent in a Title IX Investigation. What happens next?

A Title IX investigator(s) will request a meeting with you to explain the process and your rights within the process.  It is important to know that you have the same rights and resources on campus available to you as a Complainant.

9. I have more questions. Who can I talk to?

The Title IX Office welcomes any questions about Title IX, HOOP Policy 59, Sex-based Discrimination, Harassment & Misconduct.