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Biobehavioral Health Laboratory

The Cizik Nursing Research Institute’s Biobehavioral Health Laboratory is designed using an open concept that allows flexibility for faculty and student research needs.

CLIA-authorized tests

The lab holds a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Certificate of Waiver from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This certification authorizes the lab to provide a variety of tests for research and clinical purposes. 

Goals of service

  • Provide high-quality research support including consultation on study design, sample preparation and data analysis to help you achieve your research goals.
  • Develop a network for potential research collaboration in biobehavioral research

Facilities and equipment

The laboratory includes:

  • Multiple portable lab workbenches
  • Tissue culture room with modular stacked CO2 incubator units
  • A refrigerated centrifuge
  • Two large laminar flow biological safety cabinets for sterile applications
  • Hazardous materials room
  • Biological safety rooms with chemical fume hoods
  • Freezer storage area for -80°C freezers connected to an alarm monitoring system
  • A Millipore Milli-Q Synthesis water purification system that provides high-quality, ultra-pure water for all bioassays and procedures
