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Future Residents

University Housing Policies

  1. RENT: Rent is due and payable on the first day of each month online through Rent After the fifteenth day of the month, a late fee will be charged pursuant to the terms of the lease agreement. There will be no checks, cash, or money orders accepted.


  1. OCCUPANCY: The primary occupant on all University Housing Phase 1 and 2 leases must be a fulltime student, staff or faculty member with UT Health Science Center, Baylor College of Medicine or MD Anderson Cancer Center. The primary occupant on all University Housing Phase 3 leases must be a fulltime student with UT Health Science Center. Apartment occupancy limits are a maximum of two individuals in a one bedroom; a maximum of four individuals in a two bedroom; and a maximum of six individuals in a three


  1. Roommate Policy: All occupants over the age of 18 must be added to the lease regardless of Roommates must be affiliated (UTHealth, Baylor, MD Anderson) with the exception of related individuals. For this purpose, “related” is limited to spouses/significant others, siblings, parents and/or children of the primary occupant.


  1. MOVE-OUT NOTICE: At least sixty (60) days written notice must be given prior to moving out. VERBAL NOTICE IS INSUFFICIENT. To qualify for a deposit refund, resident must complete the lease term, give a sixty (60) day notice and leave the vacated apartment in rentable condition. Upon vacating the apartment, all keys and parking hang tags must be returned to the Leasing


  1. MAINTENANCE: Routine maintenance requests should be reported via the Rent Café online resident Maintenance requests will only be accepted from individuals on the lease. Maintenance personnel are not permitted to take maintenance requests from the residents. University Housing will attempt to honor your request within a reasonable time frame. Any emergency that is encountered when the leasing office is not open should be reported by calling the office telephone number (713) 500-8444. This telephone number is transferred to the voice-mail box of on- call personnel when the leasing office closes. University Housing defines an emergency as a situation that endangers health, safety, or property and not a condition of temporary inconvenience.


  1. PARKING: University Housing reserves the right to control the method, manner, and time of parking. Each resident will receive a parking hang tag for identification. Parking hang tags are issued to residents listed on the lease AND NO OTHERS. There is a replacement fee for lost parking hang tags. University Housing WILL TOW at owner’s expense, wrecked cars, cars with flat tires, cars with expired license plates or tags, cars which appear to be abandoned, cars with malfunctioning alarms, or cars which are improperly


  • Automobile repair or washing is not allowed on this
  • Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, must be parked in the parking lot only, and all the guidelines that exist for cars must be followed.
  • Boats, trailers, campers or recreational vehicles are not allowed on this
  • At 1885 El Paseo each apartment will be assigned one parking space. Violators will be


  1. TOBACCO USE: Smoking and other tobacco use on University Housing property is strictly This includes within apartment units, on patios, balconies, stairways, and common areas. This policy applies to all residents, their family members, guests and visitors. Tobacco use on property may result in fines or other actions, up to and including eviction.


  1. PATIOS, BALCONIES, WINDOWS AND STAIRS: Sidewalks, steps, stairways, or stairwells must not be obstructed or used for storage. Do not hang brooms, mops, laundry or other unsightly items on your patio or balcony. Do not hang different blinds or place foil in your windows. University Housing does not permit antennas or private satellite dishes to be installed on the


  1. CONDUCT: Residents, their families and guests must maintain order in the buildings and on the grounds at all times. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. Adherence to established rules and guidelines is required. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests. Musical devices should not be heard outside or disturb other Management has the right to determine what constitutes disorderly or boisterous conduct and excessive noise.


  1. PETS: Pets are strictly forbidden. This includes pets belonging to visitors or family Violation of this policy will result in immediate eviction procedures.


  1. CHILDREN: In order to insure the comfort, privacy, and safety of all residents, children are not allowed to play in the parking lot, parking garages, drives, the dumpster enclosure, laundry rooms, balcony railings, or in any other area where hazards may prevail. Children should not ride bikes on landscaped areas. Toys of any kind may not be left outside. UNIVERSITY HOUSING IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS ON THE PLAYGROUND. Children should be supervised at all times.


  1. ALTERATIONS: No changes to the exterior or interior of the apartments will be allowed. Resident must not change any partition, doors, windows, paint, or wallpaper without permission from Management. Residents should not put screws in the walls, ceilings, floors or woodwork. Residents should not change or add locks. University maintenance personnel will change out locks upon resident request. There is a charge for this service, as well as a charge for each new key and this charge must be paid in advance. FRONT DOOR KEYS are given to individuals on the lease ONLY.


  1. FIXTURES: Do not use toilets, drains or other plumbing fixtures for any purpose other than those for which they were intended. No sweepings, rubbish, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins etc. should be put in toilets. Your kitchen countertops should not be used to chop or cut up food. Residents will be held responsible for any damage done to property caused by improper use of appliances (resident owned washers are prohibited), plumbing, pool furniture, windows, light fixtures, doors, locks, landscaping,


  1. LAUNDRY ROOMS: Laundry facilities are maintained by a third-party commercial Malfunctioning washers or dryers should be reported using instructions posted in the laundry rooms.


  1. GUEST/DELIVERIES: Guests will only be given access to apartment interiors with the resident’s written approval. UNIVERSITY HOUSING DOES NOT SIGN FOR PACKAGES. All packages are expected to be delivered to resident doorsteps via the carrier or placed by USPS in parcel boxes located in the designated mail areas on


  1. EXTERMINATION: A professional exterminating service is provided at regular intervals. Residents may request extermination service via the Rent Café online resident portal or email University Housing is not responsible for pest


  1. BARBECUING: Barbecuing is not allowed on patios or Per City of Houston Ordinance, barbecue grills must be placed at least ten (10) feet away from all buildings while in use. Grills are to be returned to proper storage areas as soon as they have cooled.


  1. SMOKE DETECTORS: Each apartment has been equipped with electronic smoke detectors and each building is equipped with a fire alarm warning system. Smoke detectors and fire alarms must not be tampered with or disconnected. If damaged a fee of $50.00 will be charged to the


  1. GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Garbage should never be left on patios, hallways, the floor of the parking garage or parking lots, or anywhere other than the designated garbage enclosures. Improperly disposing of garbage may result in fines or other actions, up to and including


University Housing reserves the right to make changes to these policies.

Housing Information Frequently Asked Questions