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ID Badge Information

The university issues identification (ID) badges* to all employees, students, visitors, volunteers (including faculty with unpaid appointments), observers, contractors, temporary agency employees, residents, clinical fellows, postdoctoral research fellows and lease tenants. 

The university provides these badges free of charge (except to contractors) upon employment, appointment or enrollment. 

All members of the university community are required to display their ID badges to identify themselves and their association with the university at all times while on campus or on the premises of university owned or leased space. 

ID Badging Office Hours are:

Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

The ID Badging Office is located in the lobby of the

University Center Tower (UCT) building
7000 Fannin, Suite 1.070Q 

Badge pick-up:

Individuals are required to present some form of government issued photo identification, such as a U.S. driver’s license or U.S. or foreign passport, when receiving a badge.

Replacement ID badge:

If a badge must be replaced, the badge holder must complete the ID Badge Request Form and reimburse the university for the cost of a new badge.

  • Employees and Students: $10.00
  • Contractors: $15.00

ID Badge Request Form:

To request an ID Badge please download the ID Badge Request Form. This will ensure that you have proper access to the correct buildings and parking facilities across campus. The completed ID Badge request form should be emailed to [email protected] using a digital signature.

What badge format do I need?

To determine the badge format that you will need, visit the UTHealth Badge Type Template

Additional student benefits:

Students will be provided 1 ½ hours of complimentary parking at University Center Tower (UCT) building with student validation. Present your student badge to receive this validation.


Call 713-500-3403 or email [email protected].

*ID badges are the property of the university and will be retained by the university when an individual terminates his or her employment, ceases to be enrolled, or otherwise ends his or her association with the university.