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Adrian Romero Mora, PhD

Adrian Romero Mora, PhD


Dr. Adrian Romero got his B.S in Biology at BUAP (Mexico) and his Master degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology at CINVESTAV-IPN (Mexico). In 2021 he got his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Concepcion (Chile). Now he's a postdoctoral fellow at Miller's lab in the Department of Pediatrics at UTHealth.


University of Concepcion, Chile. 2021


Rachel K. Miller, PhD

Research Description

During the PhD Dr. Romero was interested in the development and evolution of bone. He was working on transcriptional regulation of genes involved in mineralization of skeletal cells using Xenopus tropicalis as research model. Currently he is studying the protein Dyrk1a, related to some intellectual disabilities and other syndromes, in kidneys of Xenopus laevis.