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Jack Banks, PhD

Jack Banks, PhD


Dr. Jack Banks is from Limerick, Ireland. Dr. Banks is a health-services scientist with research interests in behavioral influence on engagement with healthcare, chronic-disease management, telemedicine, digital health and mixed-methods approach. Jack received his BSc in Human Health & Disease and PhD in Clinical Medicine from Trinity College Dublin. His doctoral research examined the needs and wants of people with epilepsy, their carers and healthcare providers with regard to using digital tools for epilepsy self-management. (


PhD, Trinity College Dublin, 2022

BSc, Trinity College Dublin, 2018


Dr. Aanand Naik

Research Description

Dr. Banks research at UTHealth examines Patient Priorities Care (PPC). PPC is an established intervention that seeks to help patients and clinicians focus all decision-making and healthcare on what matters most: patients’ own health priorities. During Dr. Banks' two year fellowship, he will work on the implementation and dissemination of clinical trials evaluating PPC at the UT Senior Care clinic. Using quantitative and qualitative instruments, he will evaluate primary and secondary outcomes resulting from the intervention.