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June 2023 Brown Bag Session

June 2023 Brown Bag Session


UTHealth Houston University Classified Staff Council (UCSC) hosted a virtual brown bag webinar on Tuesday, June 27 titled “Technology” with guest Aisha Ahmed, Manager of Epic Revenue Cycle Training and Emily Wells, MSIS Assistant Director Enterprise Campus. Each speaker provided lots of important information as it pertained to Epic updates and UTH Share Data Migration.

Aisha started off the session with the topic “How to make Training an Immersive Experience.” According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the fall of 2020 the data indicated 89% of the workforce never worked from home, 8% occasionally worked from home and 3% worked from home 3 to 2 days a week. Now, most all nonclinical workers are working from home and in order to meet this ever-evolving demand to social learning and training; systems and innovative strategies was essential.  

The Epic Training Team responded to the demands by providing virtual instructor lead training (VILTS) with 86 course offerings, 83 videos through e-learning courses, 773 document tip sheets, monthly THRIVE sessions, operational readiness meetings and using respondent’s surveys. All Epic training has transitioned to the New Learning Management System; Sum Total - I-learn.

 I-learn includes 6 elements:

1.      MLearning or Mobile Learning,

2.      Learning Plans,

3.      Machine Learning Algorithm,

4.      Gamification,

5.      Microlearning 

6.      Social Leaning.

MLearning or mobile learning includes iPads, desktops or tablets. MLearning provides options to take learning via any device of choice which is self-directed and provides anytime learning. Learning plans are role directed, requires you to enroll in requires courses and is a one click feature, machine learning algorithm for high engagement and using the recommendation engine Netflix, Peloton, Amazon, etc.  Gamification also high engagement and better completion rates with higher recall and retention. It also improves proficiency, microlearning is a learned centric approach that can be leveraged in Epic and then there is social leaning which will engage staff to collaborate and share user created workflows.

Next, Amy Lanier from Enterprise Campus MSIS provided information on Google Workspace that is now called UTH-SHARE. UT-SHARE helps with Refocusing Collaborations, Outreach & Education and Faculty Support. Storage change is coming and the target date is 01/01/2024. She shared that they are “taking a broad approach to the revamp of the data usage limit.” The team is looking to identifying more strategies to avoid service interruptions with upcoming storage limits. Amy noted that the Google Workspace for Education Data Storage Usage Limit is 231TB for the entire University and we are trailing at 602TB and it grows daily.

A Change Roadmap has been formed for shared drives and tiered storage quotas. The storage quotas are being implemented to keep the usage under the institutional capacity of 230TB. With that said they have identified 3 storage alternatives:

1.      OneDrive – SharePoint and Office 365 Apps

2.      Teams – Video, Chat, Meetings, File Sharing

3.      Research Solutions – Customized Data Storage

If you would like more information about the storage alternatives or you experience loss of functionality, not data, this comes from the goggle side or have any questions please contact them at: E-Learning, GM or or

How to Make Training an Immersive Experience

UTHealth EPIC training has found new ways to deliver effective training programs while ensuring the safety and well-being of their employees. In-person training sessions have transitioned to virtual sessions conducted by an instructor. Additionally, there is now a wide range of e-learning courses available.

Micro learning being one of the emerging trends. With micro learning, you are provided with condensed content that can be consumed in less than five minutes. Which will lead to engaging in short and highly valuable bursts of learning to reinforce the acquired knowledge.

Another notable change is the inclusion of mobile learning. Staff members can now complete their training not only through desktop computers but also through their mobile devices, Ipads and such. These training courses are designed to be task-oriented and self-directed, allowing you to easily pick up where you left off. With this flexibility, you can enhance your skills wherever and whenever it is convenient for you.

Along with mobile learning, gamification strategies will be implemented to increase staff engagement. Through this approach, employees have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities and interact with content. By observing how different departments engage with the content, they can foster friendly competition and earn badges. Moreover, employees will be provided with additional related content to explore.

Preparing for training is not just a mere task, but rather an immersive experience. UTHealth EPIC training will assist every step of the way. Operational readiness meetings are held every quarter to ensure staff are well prepared and informed about upcoming upgrades. In addition, UTHealth EPIC training organizes monthly thrive sessions aimed at enhancing user proficiency in the system through the provision of helpful shortcuts.

To view this recording and other Brown Bag Session recordings, click HERE.

UCSC Brown Bag sessions are professional development opportunities, generally held over the lunch hour, that cover topics ranging from health, to technology, to work-life balance, and much more. Sessions are held throughout the year.

For more information or to suggest topics, visit us at

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