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FY23 Staff Recognition Spotlight Award Winners

FY23 Staff Recognition Spotlight Award Winners

FY23 Staff Recognition Spotlight Award Winners

The University Classified Staff Council recognized eight full-time classified employees for their exceptional contributions to UTHealth Houston with the Spotlight Award at the annual University Classified Staff Council (UCSC) workshop on July 14, 2023.

This is the second year UCSC gave the Spotlight Award and there was a growing interest with over 50 nominations across the institution and from each of the eight schools. The Spotlight Award is given annually to one classified employee from each school who embodies the mission, vison, and values of UTHealth Houston-excellence, innovation, and integrity. These employees demonstrate exceptional work performance including caring, commitment, integrity, and knowledge. 

Carolyn Agurcia-Parker 

Carolyn Agurcia-Parker, DrPH is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in FY23. Dr. Parker is the Program Coordinator for Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. Cheryl Spitzenberger, Program Manager, and Dr. Raquel Salinas, Director of Student Affairs and Development, nominated Dr. Parker. Her nominators mentioned that she truly cares for those around her including her co-workers and the students she serves. They also said that she knows how to take care of herself so that she can best serve those around her.

 Joycelyn Carraway-Jacko

Joycelyn Carraway-Jacko is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for the School of Public Health in FY23. Joycelyn is an Administrative Coordinator at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Dallas. Marlyn Allicock, PhD, Associate Professor at the school, nominated her. Dr. Allicock stated that Joycelyn is a giver and likes to make everyone in her department feel included in all events that take place. Joycelyn is also a seasoned employee with the most years of service in her department and provides a wealth of institutional knowledge.

Faith Harper 

Faith Harper is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for Administration in FY23. Faith is Manager of University Communications in the Office of Public Affairs. Monica Guidry, Associate Vice President of the Office of Employee Assistance and Wellbeing Programs and Dr. Scott Pavtlovich, Assistant Vice President of Environmental Health & Safety, nominated Faith. Her nominators stated that she always has a great attitude; she makes herself available to address anything that comes up, and always ensures her communications are accurate.

Chelsea Overstreet

Chelsea Overstreet is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics in FY23. Chelsea is Assistant Director of Academic Affairs and Communication. Travis Crook, Senior Student Affairs Coordinator, and Susan Fenton, PhD, Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Curricular Activities at McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics, nominated Chelsea. Her nominators stated that she is thorough, asks the right questions to get things done, and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Deborah Parker

Deborah Parker is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for the Behavioral Sciences Campus in FY23. Deborah is the Infection Control and Prevention Program Coordinator. Tammy Carpenter, Receiving Supervisor, nominated her. Deborah’s nominator mentioned that she is an asset to the campus, works tirelessly to ensure all employees have their flu shots, and cares about the safety of others with compassion. 

 Joe Jazett Uranga Perez

Joe Jazett Uranga Perez is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for Cizik School of Nursing in FY23. Joe is a Graduate Clinical Coordinator. Sydnee Lucas, DNP, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing Graduate Studies, nominated Joe. His nominator stated that Joe works tirelessly to secure clinical sites and build relationships with students and faculty.


Louise Pilares

Louise Pilares, DMD is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for the School of Dentistry. Dr. Pilares is a Coordinator for Educational Programs in periodontics and dental hygiene. Maria Gordon, who also serves as a Coordinator of Educational Programs, nominated Dr. Pilares. Her nominator stated that she appreciates the genuine, positive attitude and attention to detail displayed by Dr. Pilares. She also mentioned that Dr. Pilares is known for listening to others, valuing their opinions, and providing support to her team during stressful times. 

Jorge Pau is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for McGovern Medical School. Jorge is a Systems and Applications Specialist. Joshua Dorris, Senior Project Manager at the school, nominated Jorge. His nominator mentioned that Jorge is easily in the top 10 of people he would use as an example of how to conduct yourself in the workplace. Joshua went on to state that others would back away or avoid challenges while Jorge does the opposite and takes on anything thrown his way. 

The University Classified Staff Council Staff Recognition Committee values everyone who participated in the award nominations process and looks forward to recognizing more outstanding employees in the years to come.

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