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Implantable devices to treat neurological disorders

Implantable devices to treat neurological disorders

From epilepsy to spinal cord damage, many of the most severe neurological conditions begin with malfunctioning brain networks.

Neuromodulation—the ability to modify these networks—offers an unprecedented opportunity to effectively treat these neurological injuries and illnesses. Advances in technology and our understanding of the nervous system have led to the development of implantable devices that can regulate neural activity.

Nitin Tandon, MD, directs McGovern Medical School's neuromodulation program, guided by his experience treating patients with epilepsy and other conditions in clinical settings and extensive brain research.

With support from Hilary and Frank Schmitz, Tandon’s recent work has focused on developing innovative methods of neuromodulation for epilepsy to suppress the hyperexcitability of these disorders. His team is also developing brain-computer interfaces that have the potential to restore language function lost due to brain injury or stroke. Some of these functions include communicating via computer-synthesized speech and controlling robotic arms.

By further exploring neuromodulation and the brain’s impact on disease at the cellular messaging level, Tandon and his team have the potential to significantly advance treatments for a broad spectrum of conditions like epilepsy.

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