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Visiting Scholars Program

UTHealth Houston welcomes visitors from across the United States and around the world for observation, research training, and educational experiences

The Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) applies to individuals who are not compensated by UTHealth Houston, and are not enrolled in UTHealth Houston educational programs, but are granted access to university property, facilities, and/or information systems for a specific period for approved training or educational purposes.

Individuals interested in participating in one of the below categories, must contact directly the department of choice to identify a faculty sponsor.

Once the faculty sponsor agrees to host Applicant, the department will initiate the online application for the appropriate category (applicant will receive a unique link to their online application).

Any questions related to the application process and/or application status, applicants need to contact directly their faculty/department sponsor.

Visiting Scholar Program Categories

Mandatory Compliance Training

UTHealth Houston requires that all Visiting Scholars receive certain compliance training, including, training about Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and HIPAA. This training must be completed prior to or on the approved start date and is a condition of the Visiting Scholars’ appointment at UTHealth.

Instructions to access the online Compliance Training will be sent to the Visiting Scholars once the application has been approved.

Please note:

  • An Applicant may not participate in UTHealth Houston activities (in-person and/or virtual) until an approval email is sent by the Visiting Scholars Program and all intake processes are completed.
  • UTHealth Houston Schools and departments may charge separate fees to participate in the Visiting Scholars Program.
  • This process does not apply to individuals seeking an official medical elective (handled by McGovern Medical School, Office of Admissions and Students Affairs), Visiting Students who are enrolled through the Registrar in UTHealth educational programs, postdoctoral fellows, individuals with visiting faculty appointments or individuals employed by UTHealth.  Such individuals continue to follow procedures as established by individual schools and relevant departments.

[1] This application process does not apply for Volunteers (see “Volunteer Program Process”) or Postdoctoral Fellows (see “Office of Postdoctoral Affairs”).  [2] Foreign is defined as anyone who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.